Free Giveaway Winners and Upcoming Events

Selling books to a Dalek

Selling books to a Dalek

This Week So Far…

… has been difficult thus far, as anyone who has read our previous blog post can attest, but life must go on. In that spirit, I (Christopher) would like to announce the winners of two recent free giveaways. As I mentioned before, we are still going to award books to winners from the Comicpalooza giveaway… it just took us several weeks to announce the winners. Now, with Space City Con, our delay has been a few days, but that is due to our recent tragedy. In addition, I would like to advise our readers of our remaining 2013 appearances, as well as our budding 2014 calendar.

2013 Event Calendar Published and Other News

New button sample for

Where to Start? 2012 Appearances

I (Christopher) have been running ragged trying to book events for next year, of course as some of you in the biz know, some places won’t start accepting applications (or send you invitations) until 3 to 3 months out. However, one venue is way on the ball… Comicpalooza, and they are in late May… yet at this moment, vendor applications are available on-line. Wow… So, to finish off this year’s appearances, we have the Magick Cauldron this weekend, followed by Sherwood Forest Celtic Music Festival and HPPD in September and the Salado Scottish Festival in November. Heather and I are both working to add some smaller venues somewhere in that time-frame, so keep checking your calendar. Some of you recall that we had previously listed the Austin Celtic Festival, but because of their small size and that most of their prior years’ vendors came back, they had no room for us; maybe next year. For dates and links, visit our events page on our website.

Welcome Inductees to the Morrigan’s Brood Series

I (Christopher) would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all of you who visited our booth at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas, Texas this weekend! Both Heather and I enjoyed speaking with all of you! NTIF has been our best event thus far, and we look forward to attending next year. For those new to we authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series, and those who have been following us for a while, I thought I would update you folks on a few things:

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

Morrigan’s Brood Re-Release Now in eBook Format

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

New Cover

Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I Soon to be Released on Nook and Kindle

I (Christopher) must really like this graphic, because I have used it for the last three posts. Well, as we prepare ourselves to depart 2011 (those who have not already begun the new year… lucky), I realized there was one goal for 2011 that I had not yet accomplished. As you may recall, we recently re-released Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I in print, but I had forgotten to do eBook versions. Well, today, this last day of 2011, I completed that goal. I just submitted Morrigan’s Brood r2 for Kindle and Nook platforms, although it may take up to two days for the eBooks to be on-sale. Still, I can brush my hands of this book stuff for a while… Who am I kidding… I have a novella to read, a re-release of Crone of War: Morrigan’s Brood Book II to revisit, and then I need to get Curse of Venus: Morrigan’s Brood Book IV ready for release. Uhhhh… no rest for the weary or the wicked.

Have a Happy New Year!

New Interview, New Edition, and New Events! It’s New, New, New, News!

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

New Cover

Greetings friends, fans, followers, and friendly frequenters! I knew you were dying to hear new news from your friendly neighborhood authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series. Well, we have been busy (my [Christopher] excuse for the vast stretch of time and space between now and when I wrote my last post), and I wanted to share three tidbits of news with you. In summary, re-release, interview, and events. That’s the news… thank you for reading!

Upcoming Events

Well, we have lots of events planned for next year, and a few more this year. I (Christopher) have been adding this calendar to previous posts, but tonight, I would like to feature our event schedule. Mind you, this is not a complete list, and those that don’t say “confirmed” are just that, but we will make every effort to attend the events listed. In addition, we are always looking for more events to attend, so we hope to be adding to this list.

Anyway, look below for our tentative 2011 to 2012 list of events for we authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series: