Free Giveaway Winners and Upcoming Events

Selling books to a Dalek

Selling books to a Dalek

This Week So Far…

… has been difficult thus far, as anyone who has read our previous blog post can attest, but life must go on. In that spirit, I (Christopher) would like to announce the winners of two recent free giveaways. As I mentioned before, we are still going to award books to winners from the Comicpalooza giveaway… it just took us several weeks to announce the winners. Now, with Space City Con, our delay has been a few days, but that is due to our recent tragedy. In addition, I would like to advise our readers of our remaining 2013 appearances, as well as our budding 2014 calendar.

Free Giveaway Winners


The winners from Comicpalooza are:

  • Alexandra C. from Pasadena, Texas
  • Theresa Chandler from League City, Texas

Space City Con

The winners from Space City Con are:

  • Andrea Montgomery from Houston, Texas
  • Abe Raichanan (sp?) from Houston, Texas

Upcoming Events

Well, our 2014 calendar is starting to be built, and we still have some up-coming appearances this year to keep us busy. Starting Saturday, September 21st, Heather and I will be signing books at the Sherwood Forest Celtic Music Festival. Now, depending on timing and budget, we also plan to attend the Salado Scottish Festival and Highland Games in Salado, Texas. Also, this year, we might have a few retail book-signings and other events coming up.

The 2014 schedule is already starting to blossom, with the confirmation of our return to Space City Con, but this one is in the winter time. The organizers of Space City Con are now doing two events a year. What fun! And we will be there! Other early events next year that we plan to host book signings at include the Rory Miggins Memorial Irish Stew Cook-Off, the North Texas Irish Festival, and AggieCon. For a full list of our events (if you don’t see it yet in 2014, look at 2013), visit our website.

Ophelia Reluctantly Poses

Ophelia Reluctantly Poses


Closing Thoughts

I am still pretty broken up about losing one of my beloved cat-kids… my girly girl… my defacto daughter of the last thirteen years. I really appreciate the outpouring of support our fans, friends, and family have shown us in our time of crisis. Though to many, Ophelia was merely a cat, all of you who have responded know that she was a dear part of our family, and that her loss is keenly felt. Thank you all for your love and kind words, for they help us heal.

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