Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

Morrigan’s Brood Re-Release Now in eBook Format

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

New Cover

Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I Soon to be Released on Nook and Kindle

I (Christopher) must really like this graphic, because I have used it for the last three posts. Well, as we prepare ourselves to depart 2011 (those who have not already begun the new year… lucky), I realized there was one goal for 2011 that I had not yet accomplished. As you may recall, we recently re-released Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I in print, but I had forgotten to do eBook versions. Well, today, this last day of 2011, I completed that goal. I just submitted Morrigan’s Brood r2 for Kindle and Nook platforms, although it may take up to two days for the eBooks to be on-sale. Still, I can brush my hands of this book stuff for a while… Who am I kidding… I have a novella to read, a re-release of Crone of War: Morrigan’s Brood Book II to revisit, and then I need to get Curse of Venus: Morrigan’s Brood Book IV ready for release. Uhhhh… no rest for the weary or the wicked.

Have a Happy New Year!

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

Free Giveaway and Morrigan’s Brood r2 On Sale

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

New Cover

Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I For Sale

Happy Boxing Day, and of course Merry Christmas, Happy Yule, and have a happy any number of other mid-winter holidays going on the world over, or just a happy day to those without such traditions. For this Boxing Day, and the aforementioned holidays, the authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series (um… Heather and I… uh… Christopher) have coaxed our publisher into putting up five copies of the new second edition of Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I, being officially released January 15, 2012. This second release, through Triscelle Publishing’s new printer and distributor, Lightning Source (LSI), presents an opportunity for our readers to purchase Morrigan’s Brood for a price lower than the original release. [Morrigan’s Brood r1 sold for a retail price of $18.99 USD, whereas Morrigan’s Brood r2 sells for a retail price of $15.99 USD]. The new release also includes new content, such as a map guide, a character guide, and more blood-drinker races, it has a new layout, and it received a bit of a brush-up.

New Interview, New Edition, and New Events! It’s New, New, New, News!

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

New Cover

Greetings friends, fans, followers, and friendly frequenters! I knew you were dying to hear new news from your friendly neighborhood authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series. Well, we have been busy (my [Christopher] excuse for the vast stretch of time and space between now and when I wrote my last post), and I wanted to share three tidbits of news with you. In summary, re-release, interview, and events. That’s the news… thank you for reading!

Upcoming Events

Well, we have lots of events planned for next year, and a few more this year. I (Christopher) have been adding this calendar to previous posts, but tonight, I would like to feature our event schedule. Mind you, this is not a complete list, and those that don’t say “confirmed” are just that, but we will make every effort to attend the events listed. In addition, we are always looking for more events to attend, so we hope to be adding to this list.

Anyway, look below for our tentative 2011 to 2012 list of events for we authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series:

Free Giveaway Winners and More

Free Giveaway 1, in honor of HPPD

We have winners! Heather and I tonight drew three lucky winners who will receive one signed book from our series, but each winner gets to choose which book she or he wins, whether it is Morrigan’s Brood, Crone of War, or Dark Alliance. As before, we will gladly cover the shipping for the prizes. Now, can anyone guess as to the identities of the winners? No? Alright… I shall write them. The winners of our free giveaway in honor of HPPD are:

Welcome New Fans!

What an event! Heather and I (Christopher) just returned from HPPD, and we had fun! Good music (for the most part), good dancing, and great people. If you met up with us at HPPD, give us a cheer. Also, if you took pictures of us, please tag or or send us copies to post. We love pictures of us, not that we are narcissists, or anything like that. Thank you for stopping by our tent.

Dark Alliance Now Available in eBook Format

Well, I (Christopher) may be crazy, and foolish, but I thought our readers with them thar electronicmajigger devices would like to get a jump on reading Dark Alliance, Morrigan’s Brood Book III before the rest of us low-tech folks can buy the paperback book. So, if you want to dive into the version of our book that is based on 1’s and 0’s and not ink and paper, then by all means journey to one of the links below to buy a copy. I’ll even throw in links to our other works available in eBook format. Here it goes…

News Update Where have we Been?

Dark Alliance Cover SpreadIt seems Heather or I (Chris) need to write one of these “where are we now?” types of blog entries because we just aren’t avid bloggers. There… I said it. It’s not that we are lazy, yet you have noticed my use of contractions… I am Mr. Anti-Contraction, if you ask Heather, as I selectively edit out some contractions ;-). So no… we haven’t been lazy… just really really busy and focused. I am taking a break from burning my candle at both ends to at least provide some awareness as to where we are with this book three… Dark Alliance… coming out in September, as well as other stuff. Well, here it goes:

ApolloCon, Contests, and Short-Stories

Wow… lots of stuff going on right now. First, ApolloCon starts today and goes through Sunday. We will be there, so stop by. For more information about ApolloCon, click here.

ApolloCon Contest

In honor of ApolloCon, Heather and I will be giving away two ARCs of Dark Alliance, Morrigan’s Brood Book III. For those unaware, ARC stands for Advanced Read Copy. These are pre-released books sent out to reviewers. The ARCs have not yet been copyedited or proofread. Still, winners will get a sneak peak at the new novel, which will be released September 1. If you win and you don’t already have Morrigan’s Brood or Crone of War, Morrigan’s Brood Book II, well, we will throw those in as well. All books will be signed by us, the authors.