Come on out to Sherwood Forest Celtic Music Festival this weekend!
We have had lots of stuff going on these last few and subsequent weeks, which is why I (Christoper) haven’t blogging. Here are some highlights…
New 2013 appearances, Goodreads free giveaway ends soon, Morrigan’s Brood free eBook offer through Goodreads ends soon, I we finished rewriting It’s in the Cards, a novella… now to get it proofread, we have a new ad going up on Paranormal Haven soon, character interviews are coming up on Paranormal haven, other interviews later this year, special new stuff will come out via Robert Stikmanz’s Confabule, we delayed our free giveaway from Space City Con to include Sherwood Forest and HPPD participants, I made a new spear for a bookless reading I will be performing at Sherwood Forest, and that’s about all I can think of right now… Just the gems.
Thanks everyone for your continued support!