Alecia Ludwick-Jones wrote a wonderful review of Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I after winning a free giveaway from Goodreads. Please check out her blog “Freakshow Minus Tent” for the review of Morrigan’s Brood and other cool stuff!
Goodreads Free Giveaway Winners and Upcoming Events
What a roller-coaster ride over the last few weeks. I (Christopher) usually don’t interject much of my personal life on this blog… I leave that to Facebook or just calling folks on the phone… but things have been a maelstrom around here of late. June 15, I was laid off from a contract job I had been working at for over 10 months; it was one of those out-of-the-blue, didn’t see it coming kind of layoffs. In my time off (well, before I was laid-off, but I never had time), I made it my mission to finish moving what was once known as Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War from Lulu over to Lightning Source, where it would reside with a new ISBN and a revised name… Crone of War: Morrigan’s Brood Book II. As part of that move, I planned to massage the text a bit, giving it a good polish. Heather and I released a revision of the print book before I could finish the complete revision in order to restock books. Unfortunately, due to my work schedule and other things while I was working on my previous contract, I had little time to devote to the massaging of book 2.
New Website Content, Events, and Free Giveaway
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I (Christopher) have been giving the website a bit of a content upgrade, in addition adding buttons for certain links, instead of text-based hyperlinks. I will go into more depth as to what website changes I have been making, I will show you where you can find out where we will be for our next book signings, and I will remind everyone of the free giveaway of our book of your choice through Goodreads. Click below for more:
Comicpalooza and Two Free Giveaways
Lots of stuff going on (when is there not? They are called “weekdays”), so I thought I would take a break from the madness that is the night before Comicpalooza setup (for us artists / authors / dealers) to catch my breath and catch all of you up on the goings on. So, as you have no doubt gathered, we have Comicpalooza going on… more on that later. Also, we not only have one, but two, free giveaways! More on that later as well. We have also released an updated Kindle version of Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I, which coincides with the re-release of the print book through Triscelle Publishing’s new printer and distributor, Lightning Source. Anyway, to the news:
Back from Comicpalooza
[Note: I (Christopher) started this blog entry the night we got back from Comicpalooza; Monday, May 28. It is now Wednesday, June 13, and I am just now getting back to it. Anyway, let’s start with what I began, and then I will note what I added tonight.] Wow… what a weekend! Heather and I (Christopher) just got back from our second Comicpalooza, and we had a wonderful time! It was so great seeing old and recent friends and making new ones. Thanks to everyone who came by our booth and chatted with us, attended our reading, or came to our panel. Thank you especially to those of you who bought something from us… we can now pay bills.
Many of you left our booth with a small chapter book, a bookmark, a business card, or something else that has drawn you here, hopefully. This blog contains lots of information we wish our website contained, but that will be addressed at some point. For now, the blog contains the latest information about or goings on and where to find stuff. For example, if you check out our window, you can download our chapter book and the “how to start your own publishing company” presentation we gave Sunday.
Up and Coming, and Recent, Stuff for Morrigan’s Brood
Oh no… not another one of those “Where have we been lately” kinds of posts. *sigh* Why can’t we just write stuff in this blog that other people want to read… like, you know… politics, religion, and football? Oh geez… Before going to Scotland for our honeymoon, my wife and I listened intently to a warning from a world-travel, which we heeded… When in a pub in Scotland (or anywhere for that matter), NEVER TALK ABOUT POLITICS, RELIGION, or FOOTBALL, or else we may be beaten to a pulp. Well, even though we aren’t at a pub in Scotland (oh, how I wish we were at this moment… or Ireland, for that matter), I suppose we have just chosen to keep out of those kinds of discussions on this blog. But hey, find us on Facebook, and we may have an opinion or two if you are really interested in hearing it, and we may listen (read) to your opinion with equal attention. Even thought I (Christopher) won’t be posting about those three taboo subjects, here are tidbits of stuff from previous and future events.
New Cover for Crone of War: Morrigan’s Brood Book II
As part of the re-release of Crone of War, you will notice some changes in the cover design. While the beautiful art by the lovely and talented Khanada Taylor remains prominently displayed on the front and back covers, a few changes can be evident, such as typesetting, placement of ISBN, the ISBN itself, and a few other things. Here are both covers side by side:
New Book Cover |
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Old Book Cover |
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Trouble Figuring out Which Books to Buy? Here’s Help!
My (Christopher) latest foray into and Barnes & Noble yielded duplications of our Morrigan’s Brood Series books. But upon further reflection, I realized that the reason I was seeing double is because Triscelle Publishing is making the transition from one book printer and distributor to another. As part of this transition, they are in the process of re-releasing our Morrigan’s Brood Series books, and Heather and I have been closely involved in this process. It takes months for titles to change out there in distribution land, so it is not uncommon for booksellers to list the same title for the same format (i.e. trade paperback) for two prices, and for there to be a slightly different cover. In order to alleviate confusion during this transition period, when old editions are retired and new editions are incorporated, I will provide a list of old and new ISBNs; this also includes eBooks.
Welcome Inductees to the Morrigan’s Brood Series
I (Christopher) would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all of you who visited our booth at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas, Texas this weekend! Both Heather and I enjoyed speaking with all of you! NTIF has been our best event thus far, and we look forward to attending next year. For those new to we authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series, and those who have been following us for a while, I thought I would update you folks on a few things:
Morrigan’s Brood Re-Release Now in eBook Format
Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I Soon to be Released on Nook and Kindle
I (Christopher) must really like this graphic, because I have used it for the last three posts. Well, as we prepare ourselves to depart 2011 (those who have not already begun the new year… lucky), I realized there was one goal for 2011 that I had not yet accomplished. As you may recall, we recently re-released Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I in print, but I had forgotten to do eBook versions. Well, today, this last day of 2011, I completed that goal. I just submitted Morrigan’s Brood r2 for Kindle and Nook platforms, although it may take up to two days for the eBooks to be on-sale. Still, I can brush my hands of this book stuff for a while… Who am I kidding… I have a novella to read, a re-release of Crone of War: Morrigan’s Brood Book II to revisit, and then I need to get Curse of Venus: Morrigan’s Brood Book IV ready for release. Uhhhh… no rest for the weary or the wicked.
Have a Happy New Year!