Houston Highland Games
Hey, we had a great time at the Houston Highland Games and Celtic Festival this past weekend! Sure, it rained most of the day Saturday, and it was quite humid Sunday, but we still had a grand time of it and met a lot of new friends. Thanks everyone who stopped by our booth this weekend and picked up a bookmark, postcard, or chapter book. Thanks especially to those of you who bought a copy of Morrigan’s Brood! If you weren’t able to pick up a book this weekend but might consider buying a copy if you could learn more about it, you are most welcome to visit our website at http://www.triscellepublishing.com and come find us on social networking sites, like Facebook and MySpace. Please also feel free to connect with our fans and friends in order to ask them about the series and why they liked it or didn’t like it, though most of the feedback I personally have received has been positive, even encouraging.
As some of you know, we have a contest going on. Up for grabs are three (3) paper books and five (5) eBooks. If you win, you get to choose whether you win Morrigan’s Brood or Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War. If you win and select MB:CW, we won’t be able to get it to you until it is ready for publishing (i.e. proofread, registered for ISBN, copyrighted, etc.). We will be releasing MB:CW in late June in conjunction with ApolloCon in Houston, but chances are that winners of the contest desiring MB:CW may receive their prizes before the release.
We will be accepting entries into the contest until Sunday, May 23 at noon central, and then the following Monday, we will announce the winners on this blog and via Facebook. We will make every effort to contact the winners using the contact information provided on their ticket and make arrangements for shipping.
Morrigan’s Brood is still available direct from Triscelle Publishing at the event price of $15.00 including tax (shipping not included), and we’ll even sign it for you. The event price will be extended for two weeks from the event, so the last day you will be able to buy Morrigan’s Brood from us for $15.00 will be Sunday, May 30; Morrigan’s Brood lists for $18.99. However, we will be having another sale to honor ApolloCon in late June.
If you would like to take advantage of the special sale price, let us know so we can make arrangements for payment and shipping. Paypal is an option, though we also have the capability of processing credit cards over the phone. This special pricing is only available direct through Triscelle Publishing, as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Lulu, and other booksellers have their own pricing for Morrigan’s Brood.
Next Event
ApolloCon is coming up in late June, and Triscelle Publishing will be there! Details will be announced as we get closer to June. We will also coincide the the release of Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War with the event. While we have not determined the list price for the work, we will have a sale of the work at a discount from the list price. More information about the release of Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War will be forthcoming on this blog.
Thank you!
Heather and I would like to personally thank all of you for supporting Triscelle Publishing! We feel so humbled by the feedback many of you have provided about the Morrigan’s Brood series, and we hope you will continue to find enjoyment in the forthcoming installments of the series as well as our other works to be released. We appreciate all that you do for us.