Updates and Giveaway Winners

2013 AggieConI don’t remember the last time I (Christopher) posted, but it has been a while. It’s funny, because we have been to a plethora of events these last few weeks, with more events this weekend and next weekend. I guess work (my day job), getting ready for upcoming events, and recovering from prior events, are my biggest excuses. Well, here I am, blogging. So, what shall I blog about? How about free giveaway winners from the Houston Celtic Festival? First, however, I would like to welcome all of the people we spoke with at our booth during the festival. Thanks especially to the folks who attended our readings. Despite the volume of rain dropped on us that Saturday, the event in 2010 caused rivers to flow through the arena, so this wasn’t so bad.

Madness & Reckoning Front Cover

Space City Con this Weekend and other News

Madness & Reckoning Front Cover


Events and Stuff

Lots of stuff coming up on the next few months, but nothing so impending as Space City Con! That’s right… *THIS* weekend is Space City Con, taking place in the Westin Galleria in Houston, Texas. Visit Space City Con for more information on the event. Heather and I will be signing books there, so bring yours if you’ve got ’em, but if you don’t, that’s alright… we can sell you some of ours. Come out and enjoy the fun! Nichelle Nichols, R.A. Salvatore, and Breandán Ó Ciarraí, among many other talented actors, celebrities, artists, writers, and others will be there. Oh yeah… and us.

The Saturday after that… next weekend, we will be at the Magick Cauldron for another book-signing. If you don’t like big crowds, but you still would like to see us in Houston, this would be a good venue for you. Plus, you won’t have to buy a ticket to get in (like you would with Space City Con). Visit our Events page for more book signing events we will be attending this year and next.