Oh no… not another one of those “Where have we been lately” kinds of posts. *sigh* Why can’t we just write stuff in this blog that other people want to read… like, you know… politics, religion, and football? Oh geez… Before going to Scotland for our honeymoon, my wife and I listened intently to a warning from a world-travel, which we heeded… When in a pub in Scotland (or anywhere for that matter), NEVER TALK ABOUT POLITICS, RELIGION, or FOOTBALL, or else we may be beaten to a pulp. Well, even though we aren’t at a pub in Scotland (oh, how I wish we were at this moment… or Ireland, for that matter), I suppose we have just chosen to keep out of those kinds of discussions on this blog. But hey, find us on Facebook, and we may have an opinion or two if you are really interested in hearing it, and we may listen (read) to your opinion with equal attention. Even thought I (Christopher) won’t be posting about those three taboo subjects, here are tidbits of stuff from previous and future events.
Madness & Reckoning is now in print as a paper-back novella
By popular demand (actually, it was a huge discount on printing costs if we ordered 50 books), we decided to slap a fancy cover on it and make it into a book. You can buy it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. In addition to Madness & Reckoning, we released a new free read, which we call Chapters of the Morrigan’s Brood Series, or simply our Chapter Book. If you find us in person at various book-signing events, we usually pass these out to anyone who asks us about our free books (lots of signs that say to do that). However, I have also uploaded the cover (shown above) and the text to our Box.net widget on this very page. Just scroll down and there it is!
Manuscript of Odin’s Chosen: Morrigan’s Brood Book VI First Draft Complete!
I can’t believe it… another manuscript done… at least the first pass. Now it is Heather’s turn to write everything out and embellish it. For more information about our writing technique, look at interview links on this page near the bottom. While Heather works on book 6, she and I are continuing our work on the manuscripts for books 7 and 8; one of which will be called Dynasties of Night.
We will be at Comicpalooza!!!
What is Comicpalooza? Where is it? How much does it cost to go there? When is it? What celebrities will be there? All of those questions and more can be found here. Suffice it to say, we will be there, and we may also be on some writing panels and conduct a reading. We are also planning a book-signing at The Magick Cauldron, so keep checking our blog.
Internet Interview with Jay Jones Live from AggieCon43
From AggieCon43 [yes, this was a few weeks ago, and I am just now posting this to our blog… sheesh] and Jay Jones Live Studios comes the interview of the… hour… Heather Poinsett Dunbar and Christopher Dunbar, authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series. Well, I sort of took over the interview (sorry Heather)… more of a ham-it-up-fest for me, as I seem to be drawn to the camera, even though it adds 15 pounds (like I need to add more weight to this gut). I recommend watching the disclosure and the introductions of the real talent in front of the camera (not me).
- Our interview begins at 11:24 in the recording
- My “dramatic” reading (me=ham) of the prologue of Morrigan’s Brood book 1 (the legend of the Deargh Du) begins at 23:03 and ends at 39:45
- Our interview then ends at 51:18 when the author and artist of Two-Lumps comes on… love the series! Heather got books 3 and 4 autographed. Way cool!
Contains subtle adult humor and a few F-bombs and whatnot… I even caused Jay to lose it a few times… what… innocent me? To watch it, go here.
San Antonio Scottish Festival and Highland Games
If you are still reading this, here is a blurb we posted to Facebook about our experiences at this event, which was lots of fun.
At the San Antonio Scottish Festival and Highland Games, we met Jane McDaniel, who, among other things, is a storyteller of Irish stories (she also makes lovely Irish folk dolls). Anyway, Heather and I coaxed Jane to read the prologue from Morrigan’s Brood book 1, and my toes curled, it was so awesome. I also attended a storytelling session she performed a few tents down from us where she retold the story of Deidre, among other personal accounts and folktales.
Not only is Jane a story-teller, she also makes and sells traditional Irish dolls. Here is her website.
Gosh… is it almost 4:00 AM???
Sheesh! That’s what happens when a large person (like me) spends all afternoon, evening, and night ripping out hedge bushes, shoveling and dumping a yard of garden soil, and laying out new shrubs to plant. Apparently, I was so tired that I became wired. Ah well… Anyway, I better finish this.