At long last, we’re finally announcing the winners of our latest giveway.
Congrats to –
Veronica Whiteacre
Gabby Marshall
Sam Carson!!!!
Yayyyy!!!! *Does the flail-y Kermit-the-Frog dance.
Let’s see what’s been going on with us? We’ve been dealing with a somewhat temperamental truck (I don’t feel like blowing AC on you! Ha! Now I’ll throw my brake pads and rotors!), finishing up the first draft of book six otherwise known as Morrigan’s Brood: Odin’s Chosen, various crazy work occurrences, and preparing for the latest event (Houston Indie Book Fest). Honestly, I spent so much time at Professional Auto Care (where I used to work), they joked that the truck had decided to live there and that I may as well come back to work there.
The katkids have spent their days snoozing and lazing about. Well, except for the Clydemonster who likes to race around the house and pounce on unsuspecting elderkittehs.
We’re both working fulltime and I’m wishing for quiet time now. Sometimes it’s very hard to get the necessary quiet time that introverts seem to need, or at least I do. I don’t quite get why the quiet time has become so important to me, but I need to hide away for a few minutes every day and not hear screaming kids or the demands of patrons or cats.
I’m also hoping that the summer won’t be too miserable. I’m so very not heat tolerant. After the highland games in San Antonio, I spent monday recovering from ‘the hot’. Oh well… I hope everyone here is doing great. If you’re interested in some beautiful crafts check out Einini Glassworks. I also need to post information about a wonderous Irish storyteller we met at the games named Jane. Jane is reading bits and pieces of our book series and makes these fabulous dolls.
We’ll be sure to post more as hearing her talk about the Tuaths and Morrigan’s creation of the Deargh Du sent chills down our spines. 😀
Anyways, time to look busy at work again ;). Love you guys…