I wish to apologize to our readers for delaying the continuation of our About Our Cats thread – I have spent much time preparing for Halloween, looking at alternatives to Lulu for print-on-demand printing, and doing other stuff, though perhaps laziness was also a factor. I will continue soon with the story of Ophelia. But now back to business and the news of the week…
Heather and I (Christopher) will be interviewed in a guest blog post on Paranormal Haven. Cool! Well, OK, for us cool… our first interview, but it was fun, and we hope our friends and fans will find it entertaining as well as informative.
Here’s the scoop: November 8th, Paranormal Haven will post our interview. They will also host a contest for signed copies of Morrigan’s Brood and Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War. We will post a link to the interview and contest to this blog and to Facebook. If you have not heard of Paranormal Haven, they hold contests, conduct interviews, and mainly review books for authors, primarily paranormal romance and related genres, but they still enjoyed Morrigan’s Brood and Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War (links are to their reviews).
Facebook Fans Reached 100 Contest
We had announced a few weeks back that as soon as Triscelle Publishing had 100 fans, we would give away a signed copy of each book to a lucky winner. Well, we reached 100 fans today on Halloween / Samhain, so we held our drawing, and the winner’s name sprung forth… and the winner’s name is… Jennifer Steigerwald! Please join me in congratulating Jennifer.
We Still Have a Contest with Goodreads…
OK, so you didn’t win a free book, never bought one of our books, but you are interested – just broke or indecisive. Well, no worries, for entry into this contest is FREE! Yes, FREE! And all you have to do is register with Goodreads, which is, guess what… FREE! And if you win, guess who pays for shipping? WE DO!!!! So no, it’s not completely free – we pay for the book, the shipping, and for whipping the authors into signing it, so it is not free to us, but it is FREE TO YOU! So why not enter? Here are the details:
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Morrigan’s Brood (Book #1) and Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War (Book #2)
by Heather Poinsett Dunbar and Christopher Dunbar
Giveaway ends December 01, 2010.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
A Small Request for Contest Winners
Contest winners (though anyone who bought a book can read this as well): We welcome you to provide us with reviews or other feedback of our books, whether that feedback is bad or good. We have thick skin – we can handle it. Reviews for our books can be posted all over the place, but the best places seem to be Goodreads, Amazon, Shelfari, and Barnes & Noble. You are by no means expected to write a review, but your reviews help others determine whether or not they want to buy a copy of our books. Even if you don’t like our books, by expressing why you didn’t like them – perhaps you prefer mysteries or romance novels and our dark fantasy historical fiction / adventure books just weren’t your thing, you are providing valuable feedback to our potential readers. Of course if you really love our work, please shout that out as well.
Heather and I are not big name authors working for a big name publisher. We rely heavily on our readers for telling their friends and their friends and their friends, etc., about our works. While we are investigating other avenues for marketing and promotions, you are our best source for spreading the word. We appreciate any feedback you are willing to provide.