Heather and I (Christopher) would like to congratulate Kulsuma Begum for winning the Morrigan’s Brood giveaway contest on Paranormal Haven! Kulsuma will receive signed copies of Morrigan’s Brood and Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War as well as a few bookmarks. We would especially like to thank Stephanie and Athenna for their reviews, for the interview, and for hosting the contest. Please visit their site and see what they have to offer readers of paranormal and supernatural works!
Of course, there is still an opportunity to win free copies of our works. Check out our Goodreads free giveaway contest below:
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Morrigan’s Brood (Book #1) and Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War (Book #2)
by Heather Poinsett Dunbar and Christopher Dunbar
Giveaway ends December 01, 2010. See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
In case you didn’t notice, we have a new look…
Somebody woke up one day and decided the blog needed a face-lift. Well, he (I) spent countless (not really) hours selecting the right template, figuring out how to format the new template, resampling graphics to fit size requirements, recoding widgets, and adding links to where we have stuff out on the vast expanse of the Internet. Sound like a lot of work, right? (Naa…) Anyway, please feel free to offer suggestions on our comments of how we can further improve the appearance and functionality of the blog. Is there stuff you want to see here that we don’t have? Do you want to see more or fewer links? Perhaps you think stuff should be moved around? Please make suggestions, because this site is for you.