Latest Bidness

Well it looks like the book is starting to show up on amazon (yeah I know they’re the devil, but it’s important to have items available there) and some other vendors.  That means that it will be available in brick and mortar stores for ordering very soon.

We’re still working on manuscript #6 believe it or not…  Yup we work that far in advance.  🙂

However, there are difficulties with that sometimes because of a small black kitten named Clyde who always demands that the world revolves around him.  He is a cute little monster though.  Lucius and Ophelia are pretty sure he’s a nuisance, but there you go.  They do still groom the little pain, so they like him despite all that.

Hope everyone is doing well and please keep buying our books.  It means so much to us.  Also if you want an autographed copy.  We’ll be happy to sell and mail one to you.


  1. Reply

    Thanks so much for my autographed copy! 🙂
    I’m enjoying it in what little time I have to read these days, but I hope to be able to relax and read more soon!

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